Google Fitbit Research Studies

Directly informing the newly launched Fitbit app re-design and smartwatch experience
Experience Overview
Over the past year, I've executed 15+ generative and evaluative studies on the Fitbit team.

I've worked on a variety problem spaces for various types of devices including adaptive interfaces, screenless wearables, smartwatches, foldable smartphones, mobile phones

My research has impacted design iterations, product and engineering strategy for AI and experimental features, premium offerings, 3P data integrations, data privacy as well as Fitbit Sleep, Stress, Social experiences, to name a few.
Experience Details
Role: UX Researcher
Team: Fitbit
Duration: 1 year

Skills: Stakeholder management, semi-structured interviews, concept testing, card sorting, usability testing, competitive analysis, A/B testing, Highlighter testing, survey programming, journey mapping, affinity diagramming, cross-functional collaboration
Tools: Dscout, Figma, Qualtrics, Camtasia